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Embracing A Burning Building

From the Blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* What am I doing here? What have I gotten myself into? The gym is full on my first day of a personal training class. I am utterly terrified. There are women and men half and twice my age pumping iron and planking for over 30 seconds. But I have to do this. I owe it to myself. Owe what? A life half lived for years. The referee. The mediator. The saviour. Make no mistake, I gave these archetypes to myself. As a child, I was desperate to grow up quickly to combat the world for my family. I conditioned myself to become their shield. But when did I let my 'self' go? And why was it so easy to become so invisible to myself? How did it take ten years to finally awaken from this self-induced inertia? And where did the self-abasement stem from? My best friend recentlypakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8778900756849538005 Pakistani Blog Posts


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