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Post # 28 - Finding Your Story

From the Blog beanbagtalesWe start weaving our stories the very day someone asks us, what do you want to be when you grow up? Growing up, this was my least favourite question (read an earlier post I wrote here). No matter what answer I gave, nothing seemed to please the grown ups. I always wanted to be a writer but when I used to say it out loud the usual response was yes, that's nice but what is it that you want to do when you GROW UP? Their complete disregard of my writing ambitions confused me. It made me feel inadequate and somehow in the wrong. So I changed writer to scientist. At five years of age I had no real idea of what a scientist does except a vague notion that he/she goes into space. The answer worked and the grown ups, except for some annoying ones who pressed me for more details, were genepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1573271647248871868 Pakistani Blog Posts


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