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From the Blog faizansworld It's been awhile since I can't breathe. Life continues but I don't see you. You have taken so long. I have survived only marginally. 'Not so soon!' I keep escaping the death. 'I want to see the one.' Then self goes on navigating through the vast lake of unseen teary-eyes, wanting to sail towards the desired destination. Then it continues questing through the curtains of all the existence, hoping to reach the heart at last. Since a millennium, million oceans burst open inside; I want to be drowned in that consciousness which is so unaware of me. I would like to let my last memory be that inadvertent smile. I would want to be in those brief moments, survive forever in those expressions. I crave to merge in that unseen existence. Like waves in the sea, the soul goes on to collidepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6242124642521211927 Pakistani Blog Posts


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