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Post # 16 - Shoes matter!

From the Blog beanbagtalesAlways check the shoes to assess what sort of conversation you might have with another Asian woman, whether she was the type who wanted to discuss the price of gold and baby clothes, or talk about travelling around India and how crap men were. It was one of Chila's secret tactics in social situations, and it never failed. *(Life Isn't All HA HA HEE HEE - Meera Syal)* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The Arrests!

From the Blog snowysensation The headlines that propped up on my Facebook newsfeed were about how absolutely amazing Imran Khan is as both Zardari, Nawaz and Altaf Hussein are in jail now. What I remember is that the political party said that they are not interfering in the judicial system… but if that was soo, how can some political party take credit for some politicians in jail. Weird though, how only 'some' people are in jail, how only some (read two) Generals are convicted and how just those judges, who pointed at the most prestigious institution of the country, are targeted! The things that are marginalised in the chaos of all this mayhem, was the budget! The most weird thing is that the Prime Minister addressed the nation saying that the economy is under control and we are going in the right directipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9169372711705699354 Pakistani Blog Posts


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