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Bilingualism: access & equity

From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomicsDr. Sabiha Mansoor The aim of current policy planners to establish a 'national uniform system' in education to ensure that all students have access to education and employment is worthy, and requires the attention of academic scholars and researchers. However, this policy raises several questions, a key one being: why should Pakistan adopt a uniform system when it is common knowledge in academia that the education offered in a country such as ours should celebrate diversity and embrace multilingualism? Pakistan is a multilingual and multicultural state. Urdu, though it is the mother tongue of only a small portion of the population, is the official national language. English, a legacy of British colonisation, remained the second official language until 1973 and continues to enjoypakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1727147661058285644 Pakistani Blog Posts


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