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"losing sight to gain vision"

From the Blog dannish-dannishThe eye surgery did not go well for him. Being a diabetic was not easy for him, and then the complications associated with high blood sugars arrived for him. To some, a disease wants to be acknowledged like some tragedies need to be respected; some quietly, others out loud. The proclamation of a diagnosis is not a medal, it is a name tag assigned to identify that more is coming. There are requirements of life style changes into following diets, watching calories, getting tested, finger pricks with glucometer and keeping up with supplies. There are doctors visits, friends and families opinions, people's judgments and comments. Life gets rougher and so on. He was a non compliant patient as he described himself, he was living to eat. He was not overweight which made him not topakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3126110919531185144 Pakistani Blog Posts


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