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The Railway Platform- a short story

From the Blog hammadmateenHe met someone strange one night at a railway station. A woman sitting on a bench. Her posture & style made her seem very confident- almost cocky. He hurried towards her. He had gotten off the train at that station only to look for someone but he didn't know who it was. What made it easy for him was that there was absolutely nobody at the station except for her at that time. Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Blowout Concerns Delay Confirmation of Pakistan Offshore Oil Discovery

From the Blog riazhaqBlowout concerns have stopped offshore drilling in Pakistan yet again. It was underway to confirm discovery of oil and gas in at Kekra-1 well in G-bloc with pre-drill estimate of over 1.5 billion barrels of oil. It was scheduled to restart on April 20, 2019 after pause of 12 days, according to Pakistani media reports. Now it is delayed until the blowout preventer equipment is fixed and ready to use again. Offshore Blowout Preventer Stack. Courtesy: British Petroleum *Blowout Preventer Problem: * The drilling was stopped on April 8 at the depth of 4,810 meters for cementing and casing process which took almost 12 days to complete. Now there are concerns about the proper functioning of the blowout preventer (BOP). Once the BOP repair is completed, Mobile Exxon and ENI as joint opepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2046467812027873006 Pakistani Blog Posts


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