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PIA Flight Suspended Over Suspicion of a Drunk Pilot

From the Blog propakistani A Pakistan International Airline (PIA) flight has been suspended at the last minute after the pilot was reportedly found drunk. The incident happened on Thursday at the Jinnah International Airport of Karachi where a UK-bound flight was postponed at the eleventh hour. As per the report, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), during a random checking, suspected that the pilot of PK-791 was 'not in senses.' Upon medical checkup of pilot Captain Umar Khayyam, it was confirmed. The CAA had to arrange an alternative pilot for the flight. The Birmingham-bound plane, which was scheduled to leave at 11:50 am, took off at 2:15 pm. The CAA spokesperson also confirmed that they conducted a medical test of the pilot and that he was barred from flying the aircraft. The spokesperson, however,pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1704034017800464509 Pakistani Blog Posts


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