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FBR Directed to Start Audit of Auto Dealers and Manufacturers

From the Blog propakistani The National Assembly Standing committee on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs has directed the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) for initiating forensic audit of automobiles dealers and manufacturer. The committee met under the chairmanship of Faiz Ullah, where it discussed the issues being faced by the general public due to extra price charged in shape of own money in the market and late delivery of vehicles by the manufacturers / assemblers. The Committee directed the Ministry of Industries to make the public friendly policies in this regard and also directed the FBR for initiating Forensic audit of automobiles dealers and manufacturer. The Committee Members have expressed their apprehensions on safety standards provided by the automobiles manufacturers in different vehiclpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1661635341456568739 Pakistani Blog Posts


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