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Imran calls for talks

From the Blog mehmalPakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday called for talks with India to defuse tensions and offered cooperation in the investigation into the February 14 Pulwama terror attack. In a televised address, he also warned against further escalation of the situation. "With the kind of weapons we have, can we afford any miscalculation? Should we not think about the consequences of an escalation at this point in time? If it escalates, it will neither be in my control nor [Indian PM Narendra] Modi's. This is why I am inviting you again: we are ready to cooperate in the Pulwama investigation, dialogue on terrorism. Better sense should prevail. We should resolve our issues through dialogue." He added that Pakistan "understands the pain of those who lost their loved ones in the Pulwampakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

How do I charge?

From the Blog faisalkhan A question usually asked is How does my fee work? Here is the straight forward and blunt answer. I work on a success based model. This means, I put in a relatively high number of hours, for free, into a project to ascertain the probability of success. This also means talking to you, briefly consulting, […] The post How do I charge? appeared first on Faisal Khan. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6377709346169039528 Pakistani Blog Posts


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