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Post # 6 - Where does writing come from?

From the Blog beanbagtalesI was lucky to meet a group of very interesting people on Saturday at the DWL (Desi Writers' Lounge) Write-in session. We had an interesting discussion on writing which quickly jumped from 'what are you working on at the moment' to 'why and how do you write'. The responses, as expected, were varied and quite fascinating. One gentleman said that for every task, including writing, one must have a burning desire. No desire = no result. Another participant was of the view that writing either comes from euphoria or tragedy. Travel too, he felt, helps one to write better - experience the world with all your senses and then write was his mantra. Two ladies weren't in agreement over this. One of them, a poet, felt that it wasn't necessary to experience feelings, for e.g., darkness, in opakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 172881300934496614 Pakistani Blog Posts


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