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Moving Glacier is Threatening Local Residents of Hunza: GBDMA

From the Blog propakistani The surge of a glacier in Hunza's Hassanabad area is posing a serious threat for locals, local authorities have warned. According to Assistant Director of Gilgit-Baltistan Disaster Management Authority (GBDMA), the destructive Shisper glacier is coming closer towards the villages with each passing day. "The 1300 meter wide and 600 feet long glacier is fast moving towards villages housing locals," he said. He said the glacier has moved 1,750 meters towards the villages in the last three months – forcing the closure of two powerhouses in the close vicinity which deprives 70% of Hunza's population of electricity. He further added that a portion of an under-construction powerhouse has also been affected by the glacier surge. The surge of Shisper, dating six months back, has formepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog randomlyabstract Ouay huay huay yaar. What sadness mashaAllah. Like not exactly sadness – and here I am tryna put on a nice and decent facade – honestly well I don't like this pronunciation of the word and would rather it be called faCAde please. Acha khair. So basically I have been somewhat stressed. This time I'm not even talking to the anonymous listener kinda thing though the fact that I was reminded of them today speaks to me about the obvious halat. Other things also remind me of that because I remember being in this phase before. For other reasons but I remember this and I am imagining if this is stronger in any sense now. Because of any and everything at its root. Do you mind talking about sadness? Is it a hard topic for you? I have been teaching some Japanese students and I give them pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8258393244922784319 Pakistani Blog Posts


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