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Pulwama Reactions; US-Taliban Talks; MBS in Pakistan

From the Blog riazhaqIs the tragic Pulwama attack in Kashmir a surprise? Are Modi's policies of relying on force alone contributing to rising violence in Kashmir and across India? Is blaming Pakistan just a distraction from the core issues in India? Why has India seen the world's highest number of bomb blasts, more than in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan in the last two years? And why does Chattisgarh top the list of places with the highest number of bomb blasts followed by Manipur, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Indian-occupied Kashmir? Do the Modi policy of crushing Maoists and Kashmiri resistance make any sense? Can India tackle these issues by force alone without a parallel political strategy and peace process? Bomb Blast Stats in India. Source: Economic Times Is it a mistake for Washington and Moscow to pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7379281823968350638 Pakistani Blog Posts


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