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Part 2: History of Top Leadership Blunders in Pakistan

From the Blog riazhaqWhat are the key sources of the current crises faced by Pakistan? Can any of these be traced to blunders committed years ago by Pakistani leaders? Here's part 2 of the discussion started earlier. Was it a blunder for General Zia to join the United States and Saudi Arabia in support of the Afghan Jihad against the Soviet Union in 1980s? Did it help achieve Pakistan's objective of weakening the Pashtun Nationalists led by Abdul Ghaffar Khan's son Abdul Wali Khan who opposed the creation of Pakistan? What if Pakistan had not supported the Afghan Resistance in 1980s? Did it promote militarization of religious fanatics in Pakistan? Was it a mistake for Benazir Bhutto to give birth to the Taliban? Was General Musharraf's seizure of Kargil heights in 1999 in Kashmir a blunder? How wapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8732323808494391122 Pakistani Blog Posts


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