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A new Charter of Democracy?

From the Blog mehmalOn January 15, Prime Minister Imran Khan tweeted: "In a Parliament that costs taxpayers billions yearly, yet another walkout in NA by the Opposition shows that this is the only function they intend to perform. These are pressure tactics to seek an NRO & evade accountability for corruption in NAB cases not initiated by PTI." PM Khan's tweet comes a day after the Opposition staged a walkout in the National Assembly when Federal Minister for Water Resources Faisal Vawda started to respond to Leader of the Opposition Shahbaz Sharif's criticism of the Mohmand Dam contract. In response to his tweet, many reminded PM Khan of his absence from parliament in the last few months. Others reminded him of his promise to have a Q&A session on a fortnightly basis in parliament, which has yet topakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5574323818090358777 Pakistani Blog Posts


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