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Bait and Switch

From the Blog r2square I wonder if this sunshine could break me, as I lift my head and let it warm my face. The rays seem to hit a thin barrier and when I touch my face I feel as if a thin layer of skin is covering an eggshell underneath. Maybe I *am* a painting, an abstract construct even, a child's art project. Could this light get so strong and break my face? Would then this covering of skin stay? Or would it collapse within itself, into a crumpled heap of eyes, lips and nose? Or would it shatter too, dehydrated by the heat? Turn into dust and blow away? What would remain then. A headless anomaly seaping into the cement floor? Will this sun do what every aspect of love and warmth has ever done to me? Bait and switch? pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2749229040539155061 Pakistani Blog Posts


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