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From the Sidelines

From the Blog cybegeekHappy to sit on the sidelines watching the world go by, for I cannot be anyone else other than my self. This race in which everyone is running... Does not interest me... For I never did like to follow... It seems it's a pill that I must swallow for I must give the appearance of compliance Cause that's what slaves do. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Pakistani-American Attorney Javed Ellahie Sworn in as Monte Sereno City Councilman in Silicon Valley

From the Blog riazhaqPakistani-American attorney Javed Ellahie, a long-time resident of Silicon Valley elected as councilman in the city of Monte Sereno, California, was sworn in on Tuesday December 18, 2018. It was a standing-room only event. It celebrated a new diverse city council which saw a Muslim immigrant, a woman and white man replace three white men. Liza Lawler and Shawn Leuthold were also sworn in along with Javed. Javed Ellahie is among 5 American Muslims elected to local office in the San Francisco Bay Area in this year's elections. It's a sign American voters are ready for diverse leadership despite troubling increases in hate crimes nationwide, according to the Council on American Islamic Relations. Across America, there are 55 American Muslim candidates who won election to public opakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1334750520993171541 Pakistani Blog Posts


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