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From the Blog gsntahir The unpredictability of how my moods swing without any apparent reason gets to be exhausting – yet these changes are something I have come to expect & rely on? In fact actually look forward to! Sad even but true! Sometimes even talking about Tolerance – Diversity – Trust – Fear – Capacity – Capability and Trauma becomes exhausting and seems futile, even though I believe in what I say & that it must be said in the face of diversity of views, actions, talk & faithlessness that I confront regularly. When will the futility of it in peoples mind be replaced by an understanding of its importance? How many empty slogans, condolences, remembrances, vigils, prayers are needed before the hurt & pain is felt by those who make promises of change knowing nothing will change? The irony of pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Majlis Change: day & time

From the Blog ashrafiya InshaAllah Weekly majlis (Urdu) will be as follows from 22 December 2018 Saturday 5:00 PM (KSA) May Allah facilitate & make it beneficial for me and all. Ameen! pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 799079235338184671 Pakistani Blog Posts


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