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How Does US Centcom See Saudi Arabia?

From the Blog riazhaqPopular Muslim American comedian Hasan Minhaj has come across a troubling US Central Command document that describes Saudis as having "Negro blood" in their ancestry. Minhaj recently talked about it in his Netflix Series "Patriot Act". The welcome booklet for US military personnel joining a US mission to train Saudi troops in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) as recently as June 2018 read as follows: "The population of [Saudi Arabia] is mainly composed of descendants of indigenous tribes that have inhabited the peninsula since prehistoric times with some later mixture of Negro blood from slaves imported from Africa." Here's what Minhaj said in Netflix's Patriot Act: "Suddenly, America's marriage of convenience with Saudi Arabia is starting to feel outdated. How outdated? Our mipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 794995149145296252 Pakistani Blog Posts


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