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5 Do's and 5 don'ts About How to Protect your child health when the weather changes

From the Blog smartchoice Does your child fall sick every time there is a change in the weather? We all know well that Children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of weather change, Seasonal changes are like clockwork, they take place every year, and every time there is a drop or increase in temperature, infections occur like cold, sore throat, flu, allergy and tummy troubles happen frequently with every change in season. Studies have proven that weather changes are not directly responsible for the illnesses. The change in weather just provides a favourable environment for the viruses to multiply and spread. All they need is cool and dry air, and they will thrive. Though you may not be able to have control over the weather, you can protect your child by following a few simple dos and don'ts. Dopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7058461691805456693 Pakistani Blog Posts


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