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How I became a Volunteer at FIFA WorldCup Russia 2018

From the Blog ppakistan Somewhere in the mid of 2016 I saw an online link which took me to a website which was looking for volunteers for the upcoming 2018 football world cup in Russia. The site was linked to the official fifa website, so I knew it was genuine. I also searched and watched videos of volunteer experiences of the previous world cups, so I instantly knew it would be a great opportunity. I went thru the website and read the various parts and functions in which fifa was looking for volunteers, and was encouraging international volunteers to apply. I had similar experience in cricket matches that were being held in Pakistan and other similar events and I thought this would be a great opportunity for me to be part of an international sporting event. The idea of visiting Russia and being part pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5850381230857979178 Pakistani Blog Posts


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