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China to Invest in Pakistan's Export-Oriented Industries, Buy More Pakistani Products

From the Blog riazhaqThe bulk of Pakistan's exports consist of low value commodities like chadar, chawal and chamra (textiles, rice and leather). These exports have declined from about 15% to about 8% of GDP since 2003. Pakistan's trade deficits are growing at an alarming rate as the imports continue to far outstrip exports. This situation is not sustainable. What must Pakistan do to improve it? What can Pakistan do to avoid recurring balance of payments crises? How can Pakistan diversify and grow its exports to reduce the gaping trade gap? How can Pakistan's closest ally China help? Can China invest in export oriented industries and open up its huge market for exports from Pakistan? Let's explore answers to these question. Exports as Percentage of GDP. Source: World Bank *East Asia's Experience:*pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7574122813358189917 Pakistani Blog Posts


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