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Razer and Microsoft Announce Keyboard and Mouse for the Xbox

From the Blog propakistani The long-awaited keyboard and mouse support for the Xbox One is finally here. Razer is partnering with Microsoft to make it a reality. The gaming peripheral company has partnered with Microsoft to bring support for these accessories in the future. In the coming few weeks, select Xbox Insiders will be able to try out the feature for themselves. Gamers should perhaps wait a bit before discarding their gamepads, as Microsoft says that it is still up to developers to bring support for the accessories and is taking things on a "title-by-title basis." The convergence of both Windows 10 and Xbox platform also remains a pipe dream still, with no apparent chance of realization. The Only Supported Game So far only one game, Warframe, has been known for keyboard/mouse support. It's impopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2848828535597827066 Pakistani Blog Posts


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