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Venezuela's Financial Crisis

From the Blog faisalkhan Consider a country rich in oil. Yes, the black tar liquid gold that fuels our cars, planes and trains. Think the price of an oil barrel today (~ roughly $55/barrel) and then think of all the money a country can make. Sound like a prosperous country right? Well, now think Venezuela! Venezuela has been experiencing a political and socioeconomic crisis since 2010. The crisis started under the reign of former president Hugo Chavez and continues under the reign of Nicolas Maduro. The crisis has gone down in history as the worst economic situation in the history of Venezuela and among the worst economic crises ever experienced in the Americas. The unprecedented Venezuelan economic crisis is marked by severe medicine and food shortages, spiraling inflation while the existing political pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6504912131784558961 Pakistani Blog Posts


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