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IG Police Suggests Increasing Traffic Fines by Up to 2000% in Lahore

From the Blog propakistani The Inspector General of Police Operations in Lahore has requested the provincial IG Police and Chief Traffic Officer to increase traffic violation fines to Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 2,000 for cars and motorbikes respectively. The current penalties for breaking traffic rules are Rs. 500 for car/jeep drivers and Rs. 200 for motorcyclists, so if the new fine rates are put into place, the traffic violation charges will increase by a hefty 2000% for cars and 1000% for bikes. As per the suggestion letter, over 6000 violations occur daily in Lahore – which is an alarmingly high number – that causes slow traffic, accidents and other problems on the roads. Lahore is one of the biggest cities of Pakistan, and most areas of the metropolis have a high traffic flow throughout the day. Accordinpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 70030238805174526 Pakistani Blog Posts


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