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A Glimpse of Cosmic Beauty For A Green Pakistan How to Spot a Toxic Person from a Mile Away Step-by-step guide to start a self-hosted WordPress blog Damages And Fine Of Rs.100,000/ Against Bank why we suffering. Mountaineering Training in Shimshaal: Some Reflections Pakistan e-commerce consortium (PEC) held their first meetup on 16th December, 2017 – PakEcomConnect Crossfire The Virtuous Psychiatrist: Meditations on Success and Flourishing How to Listen to Trees Rapist India rapes an Eight years old Muslim girl Asifa

From the Blog cosmiczain The Universe is truly spectacular. From its billions of stars contained within each of the hundred billion galaxies to the millions of organic life forms that are sheltered and sustained on the planet Earth. Our home, this vulnerable blue world is just one of the many vibrant strokes on a vast cosmic canvas. But what is it that makes the cosmos beautiful? What aspect of this boundless masterpiece makes it worth human exploration for several millennia? If you still haven't figured it out then think about the Earths movement around the Sun. Each planet in our solar system while going around the Sun traces out a specific geometrical path in the form of an ellipse (an elongated circle). What's even more fascinating that this elliptical behavior is exhibited by planets of other solpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog r2square The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy has always been a rescue for me whenever I have been sad, lonely and whenever I didn't feel like dealing with the world. Reading it has always been like sitting next to a totally bizarre person in an airport waiting area, a person you encounter every time you travel through this particular airline. You've seen this particular man so many times and are so looking forward to running into him with his over-sized bag and his red pullover that the one time last October he wasn't there; you stood in the boarding line crestfallen and strangely disappointed. And life felt a little off. It is the familiar insanity that keeps me safe from a little unknown craziness from my own. This is what this book means to me. That strange man in a red pulpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1305085214766118563 Pakistani Blog Posts


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