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City Landmarks – The water trough near Dow Medical College

From the Blog thekarachiwallaDiwan Dayaram Chellaram Mirchandani was city surveyor in Karachi and he passed away in 1927. He was survived by his wife 'Shrimati Apliba'. How do we know it? Because Shrimati Apliba erected a water trough in memory of her late husband. It was a common practice to construct institutions or buildings of public welfare and […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Deep Divisions Mark India's Independence Day 2018

From the Blog riazhaqThe rise of Hindutva forces is tearing India apart along caste and religious lines as the country celebrates 71 years of independence from the British colonial rule. Hindu mobs are lynching Muslims and Dalits. A recent Pew Research report confirms that the level of hostility against religious minorities in India is "very high", giving India a score of 9.5 on a scale from 0 to 10. Pakistan's score on this scale is 7 while Bangladesh's is 7.5. Chart Courtesy of Bloomberg*Will India Break Up? * In recently published "The Raisina Model", British-Indian author Lord Meghnad Desai asks: "A country of many nations, will India break up?" The Hindu Nationalists who are blamed for deepening divisions are themselves divided on the key questions of caste, religion and trade. Professor Wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4399644244944242354 Pakistani Blog Posts


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