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Pakistan Ranked Ahead of India in Mobile Broadband Rankings

From the Blog propakistani According to the latest edition of Ookla's Speedtest Global Index, Pakistan has a better mobile broadband as compared to India despite there been concerns over the efforts to get people online in the country. *Mobile Broadband* Pakistan has been ranked at 96th place for mobile internet, ahead of India which grabbed the 109th spot in the June's edition of the global internet speed test. It must be noted that Pakistan has dropped five places from the previous month's rankings, while India has improved its position by 4 places. Pakistan's download speed of 14.03 Mbps was well below the global average of 23.54 Mbps while India scored 9.12 Mbps. The average upload speed for mobile broadband was recorded at 9.28 Mbps while Pakistan scored 8.58 Mbps and India's upload speed was recopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3866468331025216115 Pakistani Blog Posts


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