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From the Blog faizansworld *Umerkot Fort, Sindh, Pakistan* Umerkot is a historic town of Sindh, Pakistan. Here, Hindus and Muslims live to gather in the same neighborhood. They live in harmony and peace. This old town has both mosques and temples located in the same streets. I noticed there is less crime rate. About seven to eight different customers are holding their wallets and entering the ATM booth all at the same time. No one cares about theft or robbery. Everyone knows each other so well. Here, villagers have left their fertilizers and other valuable items of rural life on open roads. They'll pick them up the next day when they return back to the city. Umerkot is an old, peaceful, unique, diverse, and beautiful town in our troubled subcontinent region. I wish the future of India and Pakistan be likpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2950965025098958175 Pakistani Blog Posts


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