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From the Blog furreekatt... Hi. Four years ago, I abandoned this blog. Not because of any particular incident, but because I simply lost the drive and incentive to write. Blogging used to bring me loads of happiness back when I was a teenager - mostly because it served as a distraction from my homeschooling, a place to overshare stories about my work, and it also unintentionally became an avenue to meet loads of like-minded people (some of whom are still my friends to this date). I still don't really have any proper incentive to blog. I'm not exactly overjoyed typing all this out. Like I'm pretty sure my writing has gotten shittier... But I'm still gonna try. I've been feeling pretty low about myself and I have around a month of free time on my hands (will definitely update everyone - or no one in papakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8202916385081116118 Pakistani Blog Posts


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