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Breeze, waves, clouds is my verse

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: Image result for images of breeze clouds and beauty of nature] Breeze, waves, clouds is my verse Every manner of time is my verse Days' hustle and bustle is my glee Melodious evening is my verse What you whispered, I noted down Hence I shaped my amiable verse My words go after your through-way My canto's way to thy through-way It shatters and scatters sorrowfully Simply like reflection of my verse Rational and luminous are my words Right is integrity; adheres my verse Me being lonesome in massive crowd My solitary friend is though my verse My vision my concept are very elevated My mother's prayers elevated my verse If thou beginning of divine of radiance My verse is at its pinnacle of brilliance **** غزل موج، بادل، صبا غزل میری وقت کی ہر ادا غزل میری شورشِ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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