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4 best luxury Iftaar buffets in Karachi to try if you have a big appetite

From the blog cheflingtales Have you been to any Iftar+dinner buffets yet or are you still confused to choose between any like me? Every other restaurant is offering all you can eat, luxurious iftaar and dinner buffets in Ramazan, which has made the whole concept a bit overrated. Other than then that with so many options it's not easy to pick the one that gives you the money value. If your appetite is good enough to justify the all you can eat in Rs, 1999 or less here are some good options, *Zaoq restaurant* I love this restaurant's ambiance and service. I have been to Zaoq for sehri last Ramadan and for dinners in past few months. I won't lie that their menu is very tempting and full of variety but I feel Rs. 1800 for a buffet is just too much if you have few more iftaars planned outdoor. I mean if yopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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