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Rising from the Sand - The Story of Bahawalpur

From the Blog odysseuslahoriThe river Jamuna was home to a fearsome dragon in an age long ago. For some reason the gods became displeased with it and ordered it to leave the river and seek a new home in the vast oceans. But because the dragon could only travel through water, the gods were benevolent enough to order the Jamuna to send a stream southward all the way to the sea. The dragon left the river by this new stream that was for millennia known as the Hakra. But the long and creative passage of time leaves nothing, not even the work of gods, unaltered. The Hakra that was once the dragon's passage and which slaked a huge country turning it green with farmland and orchard dried up. The land turned desert and today the only sign of the lost river is a meandering depression through the dunes of the Cholispakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Salman Mehmood aka skdev on Kaun Hoga Naujawanon Ka Wazeer e Azam

From the Blog ayesha 24 year old boy from Karachi Pakistan, Salman, was a thalassemia major patient just like any other patient who suffer from same disease. The only thing which separate him is his cause. His objective was to create awareness of thalassemia in general public. He designed and programmed website which give complete information on thalassemia (, apart from this he also organized blood camps. He had an aim to work on thalassemia awareness, to support fellow thalassemics, he had a dream of Thalassemia Free Pakistan. He was dearest among his friends and relatives. On 19th October 2009 he passed away due to Meningitis. Although he is no longer among us, but his cause is now lead by his sister Ayesha Mehmoood (who is also thalassemia major) and his cause will keeppakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Marriott HiddenCam Wedding Night Bride Pics!!!

From the Blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Karachi XXX : Marriott HiddenCam Wedding Night Bride Pics!!!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8334558157090690047 Pakistani Blog Posts


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