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10 top spots in Karachi that will fulfill your sweet tooth cravings

From the Blog cheflingtales Sweet tooth cravings often kill us to an extent that we cry! If you crave for dark chocolate cake at 3: 00 AM you will know what I am talking about. Desserts are craved around the clock and sometimes we head to restaurants only for desserts and to satisfy the urge of sweetness boosting up. So here is the list of Here we bring you the best desserts spots in k-town. *Butlers Chocolate Cafe`* *Image source: Facebook* This spot is well known for its delicious food and coffees also serves a good range of desserts and in-house chocolates, the heavenly glass enriched with flavors is called honey comb sundae is simply divine. The best part is this place also entertains the weight watchers too and also have flourless desserts which are simply amazing. *Lals Patisserie* *Image sourcepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3306326649526342008 Pakistani Blog Posts


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