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From the Diary of a Civil Servant: Machinations of a Tout

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Nausherwan Ali* Within a short span of service, I have learned to bear the pressure resulting from challenging various mafias operating in my area of operation. One such mafia operates in the guise of commendatory commonly referred to as a 'tout' in office lexicon. These 'touts' are often seen swarming around public offices in search of their 'targets '. Having worked in rural areas of Punjab, I can safely say that these touts are quite an active part of village culture. They can be seen in small village gatherings, panchayats, thana, katchehri etc. A tout would try to establish a link within government offices and use it to dupe simple folks. Sometimes he mints money from his victims and sometimes his aim is to enhance his influence in his social circle which he could latpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7481519350341653978 Pakistani Blog Posts


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