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Conspiracy of Duo – Mountbatten, Nehru

From the Blog iabhopal This is continuation of "Partition of India – How and Why" published on March 12 2018. Due to high fever, severe cough and Flu, I was down from March 20 t0 29 2018, thus the delay in publishing the today's article. *Punjab could be divided into 5 areas on basis of Muslim population* 1. West, which was above 80% Muslim (Green and Dark Green). 2. Center-West, which was 60 to 80% Muslim (Blue, Light Blue and Pink). 3. Center-East, with no obvious majority religion (Brown and Yellow). 4. Southeast, what is now Haryana with Hindu majority, but it was relatively narrow, and the communal split was Hindu / Muslim, with few Sikhs in the mix. Delhi is included in zone 4, because communally and culturally, it was similar to the nearby parts of the Punjab. 5. Which now is called Himachal Prapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8426362590089198932 Pakistani Blog Posts


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