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She's Standing Up For Pakistani Prisoners Sentenced To Die

From the Blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* In a country where 491 executions have taken place since December 2014, when the death penalty moratorium was lifted in response to the Army Public School terrorist attack in Peshawar, one organization, the Justice Project Pakistan (JPP) offers hope for the country's 8,200 prisoners on death row. Sarah Belal, a 39-year-old human rights lawyer, founded JPP in 2009 in the belief that Pakistan should not be the world's "fifth most prolific executioner," following China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. As executive director, she leads a small team providing free legal assistance to underprivileged prisoners battling mental illness, victims of police brutality or the war on terror, and Pakistani migrant workers incarcerated overseas. In 2013, Belal won the prestigioupakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5123289867070039198 Pakistani Blog Posts


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