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Justice for Mashal today

From the Blog pakteahouse *By: Raza Rumi* We, like most of the country, have our fingers firmly crossed that Mashal Khan will at last be delivered justice; albeit posthumously. The Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) is due to issue its verdict today in a case that shook the nation to its core. We cannot envisage any outcome other than murder charges for all those who actively beat the university student to death. Especially given that this unspeakable brutality was filmed and shared for all to see. This ought to be an open and shut case. And yes, we say this, despite our calls elsewhere for every pillar of the state to do its utmost not to jeopardise due process. That being said, we cannot support the Supreme Court advocate who, in an admittedly heartfelt comment, argued that they should all be awarded the depakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4023155518389855470 Pakistani Blog Posts


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