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General Petraeus Rejects Trump's Charges of "Lies and Deceit" Against Pakistan

From the Blog riazhaqGeneral David Petraeus, former CIA director and commander and US Forces in Afghanistan, has rejected President Donald Trump's charges of "lies and deceit" against Pakistan. He did so back in late 2016. Here's a brief excerpt of what he said: "I looked very very hard then (as US commander in Afghanistan) and again as CIA director at the nature of the relationship between the various (militant) groups in FATA and Baluchistan and the Pakistan Army and the ISI and I was never convinced of what certain journalists have alleged (about ISI support of militant groups in FATA).... I have talked to them (journalists) asked them what their sources are and I have not been able to come to grips with that based on what I know from these different positions (as US commander and CIA director)pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8910914376482563412 Pakistani Blog Posts


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