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Ontological Unease

From the Blog awaisaftab"We live somewhere queasier—a world in which technology is developing in ways that make it increasingly hard to distinguish human beings from artificial things. The world that the Internet and social media have created is less a system than an ecology, a proliferation of unexpected niches, and entities created and adapted to exploit them in deceptive ways.... In other words, we live in Philip K. Dick's future, not George Orwell's or Aldous Huxley's.... what he captured with genius was the ontological unease of a world in which the human and the abhuman, the real and the fake, blur together. In his novels Dick was interested in seeing how people react when their reality starts to break down. A world in which the real commingles with the fake, so that no one can tell where the onpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4339996686708622588 Pakistani Blog Posts


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