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Careem Raises $100K in Donations for MENA Refugees

From the Blog propakistani Careem, the region's leading ride-hailing app, has announced the total amount of donations collected through its region-wide initiative, dedicated to helping MENA refugees in partnership with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). "We are extremely proud to announce that, thanks to the dedication of our customers and hard work of our Captains, we have raised more than USD 100K in donations, through our UNHCR car type," said Abdulla Elyas, CPO and Co-Founder of Careem. We launched this campaign during Ramadan with the aim of running it for one month only. We were overwhelmed to see the donations pour in even after Eid and decided to keep it running till the end of the year. This not only goes to show the generosity of the region but their proactivity and willingness to help. The UNHCRpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2801955521362598920 Pakistani Blog Posts


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