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Fara On Vagueness

From the Blog awaisaftabNYT magazine on Delia Graff Fara: "Fara's theory, which she presented in a 2000 paper called "Shifting Sands," had an answer. She argued that vagueness was an expression of our ever-changing purposes: that there is a precise point at which a heap becomes a nonheap, but it "shifts around" as our objectives do. In fact, because the act of considering two comparable heaps accentuates their similarity, "the boundary can never be where we are looking." No wonder we think it doesn't exist. Imagine that a gym teacher has hastily divided a large class of students into two groups according to height. If you enter the gym, you will have no trouble declaring one group the tall students and the other the short ones. But had you been presented with the undivided class and asked to say where pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1264727211573116743 Pakistani Blog Posts


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