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From the Blog awaisaftab"[*The Americans*] is about delusions—romantic, political, bureaucratic, tactical, marital, fashion (the year is 1981). And parental: Can Elizabeth really think that her children "understand" a father whom they believe is a travel agent but is actually a spy and assassin who's just staged a sham wedding with a deluded F.B.I. secretary at which their mother pretended to be his sister? Can the K.G.B. really think that Al Haig might attempt a military coup after John Hinckley shoots Ronald Reagan—a major plot element in an early episode? Maybe they can. It's often said, admiringly, that "The Americans" is a show about marriage that is dressed up as a spy drama. One of its premises is that marriage itself is a matter of dressing up and performing, and that those enactments, particulpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3170864931178988541 Pakistani Blog Posts


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