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Can CPEC Make Pakistani Manufacturing More Competitive?

From the Blog riazhaqIn addition to a basic sense of security, the cost of production and availability of required skills are essential for making manufacturing competitive. Cost has several components: labor cost and abundant, cheap energy and infrastructure. Skill comes from education and training infrastructure. Will CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) help Pakistan achieve competitiveness on these fronts? Pak-China Industrial Corridor Source: Wall Street Journal *Abundant, Cheap Energy:* Costs rise dramatically if expensive plant and equipment are not fully utilized due to lack of gas and electricity. It is hard for a manufacturer to be competitive if its factories lie idle for many hours a day due to load-shedding as has been the case in Pakistan for many years. *Transport Infrastructurepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1053303847729992447 Pakistani Blog Posts


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