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Today I'll share with you a true story

From the Blog tanveerrauf Today I'll share with you a true story———- Allah created, beautified and glorified this world with every possible thing like oceans, mountains, meadows, flora and fauna, rain, twilight, sun, stars, moon, moonlight animals, birds-you name and you have it—–for the human beings————for US— All these blessings are clearly mentioned in Surah Rehman and in many other verses of Quran. Allah is brilliance—- splendor—- and love Allah loves peace He sent us on this earth to be good, kind caring and to make the world beautiful and peaceful place to *live and let live-*—– to relish and cherish. Allah gives and forgives. We having the same attributes as Almighty, thus HE expect us also to give and forgive——–but its Satan that misguides us, and the ones with weaker faith follow him.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7132758477174083080 Pakistani Blog Posts


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