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Top 3 Chefling Favourite Samosa Spots in Islamabad

From the Blog cheflingtales Tell me if I am wrong, clouds enveloped sky with a drizzly rain of winters calls for a cup of tea with a perfectly fried, crispy, and tasty bite of a samosa. The capital, Islamabad, is one of the most beautiful capitals around the world eggs on the caffeine-heads to get a cup of tea with the perfect combination of a mouth-watering samosa. Being foodies in the capital city we took on the task to find the best places to get samosas around the city, so here are our favorites. *The famous "Bengali baba"* Allah Ditta who's famous by the name of "Bengali baba" lures customers all over the capital with his delicious bit size samosas that the masses claim to be unmatched. After moving to Pakistan from Bangladesh in 1971, Bengali baba started his business with his nephews in Melody Marpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4473044247916954610 Pakistani Blog Posts


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