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It was just time pass; it wasn't loving affair

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: 1806972-bigthumbnail] It was just time pass; it wasn't loving affair It wasn't even agreed to live forever, affair He agreed to me after revulsion; that's true He wasn't hesitant to be in private, it's true I've no complain if she's broken her promise She was simply chum for a night; so no issue Was with my all day long under blazing sun She was wall's shade; not a wall in the sun What she got, achieved through unfair way She didn't deserve that post in any way Why the birds left their babies on the tree Was not an ally! The vulture near the tree If you wish to know Najmi, study him cagily He's a book of life and not an evening paper …………………………………………… ذرا سی دیر کی تفریح تھی بس پیار تھوڑی تھا عمر بھر ساتھ رہنے کا کوئی اقرار تھوڑی تھا یہ سچ ہے بات وہ میری بڑی مشکل سpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 985608669800634467 Pakistani Blog Posts


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