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Hitler did not commit suicide. Fled with US help

From the Blog iabhopal *Did one of the world's most terrible dictators, Adolf Hitler, really commit suicide in 1945?* According to the official version of events (by Allies of World War II against Germany), Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide in their underground bunker on April 30, 1945. Hitler died of a gunshot to the head, while Braun consumed a cyanide pill. Their bodies were then taken outside and burned by staff, before being deposited in a shallow grave. But according to a report in Huffington Post UK, one Abel Basti of the Instituto Florencio Varela in Argentina, claims that the United States helped Hitler escape to South America so that he would not fall into the hands of the Soviet Union. Basti, who has written extensively on the dictator, says, "There was an agreement with tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

How can you help a thalassemia major patient?

From the Blog ayesha [image: How can you help a thalassemia major patient?] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

i am a poet

From the Blog gsntahir i am a poet of things past some lost in angst some in laughs brought out by an urge to recall to the last comma and fullstop of what happened neither slow nor fast for you dear reader to read not judge a life lived different than your lot so let it be till the next thought nudges the cobwebs of the mind moving the fingers to write yet another story in another time till it is ordained to become a future lost in another post as a poem new . . . . lahore – 00:40 pm 16-11-2017 pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8737886099953740450 Pakistani Blog Posts


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