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1400 Calories Per Day: Have 5 Healthy Meals Daily.

From the Blog cheflingtales *Don't give up eating what you like, but calculate it.* It's not always about saying goodbye to your love for food, but slowly lowering and calculating it's intake. The injustice a Pakistani soul does to itself by going over on a crash diet, without knowing the body needs and calories required, above all leaving all traditional Asian food and following west. Not all calories are the same, it depends on your lifestyle, so go slow and steady. Make it a habit to calculate your required calorie intake, and accordingly plan your portions. For those having a margin of 1300 to 1500 calorie intake, follow this article and note that it is not required to follow this plan everyday, you can change it accordingly on alternate days. First of all, utilize all your calorie margin, but dividpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

of invisible second chances

From the Blog randomlyabstract I could have given a better answer, I thought to myself just a while (longer than a moment, shorter than minutes) after having exited his room. I could have given a better answer. How many times we find ourselves thinking, feeling, living this — I could have given a better answer. Could – but *didn't*. And to learn to live with this little regret – one that amounts to literally NOTHING in the Grand Scheme of Things; to painfully watch how it unfurl inside of you, then finds a way out, crawls on your skin until you are covered, completely, in its inglorious cobweb-y silver thread. You are itching. Continually. *I could have given a better answer, and I must stop thinking about it.* Filed under: 2017, Proses pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3026282141684450451 Pakistani Blog Posts


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