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Welcoming Winters in Multan: Toh Phir Chai Ho Jaye

From the Blog cheflingtales Whether it is a moment of happiness or sadness, or we are having pain in the form of a headache, or we are damn stressed due to a very tiring day, all Pakistanis want is a cup of Chai. The bonding that our nation shares with a cup of tea is above all the bonding the world has seen. Having at least three or four cups of Chai is compulsory. It will not be wrong to say that Chai has become our oxygen. Autumn is about to end and it's beautiful evenings have made us increase the number of cups of Chai we have in a day. This number will increase further when winters will officially be here. As we Pakistanis only need an excuse to have Chai. Here is a list of places where you can have the best Chai in Multan: Masoom's: This restaurant is well known for being classy. We were expectinpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 615371142491779320 Pakistani Blog Posts


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